Drifting Ruby

Instructed by Dave Kimura
Offered by Kimura Innovations
Ruby on Rails Screencasts

Community Driven

Suggest and Vote on a topic that you would like to see a screencast for. Pro subscribers will have greater priority for selection of their idea to become a screencast.

Educational Discounts
Students and teachers can subscribe at a discounted rate of $9.00 per month. Subscription comes with all of the benefits of a Pro Membership. Valid school email required.

Applied Principles
Topics covered have real world applications. Easy to follow videos where you can apply the concepts to your application.

Why Drifting Ruby?
Provide use cases that are commonly found when architecting and developing your application. New and relevant videos released every week.

Private Slack Team
Educational and Pro Memberships gain access to a private Slack team to discuss development topics and random stuff.

Quality Screencasts
Time invested into every screencast; from research, preperations, recording and editing to bring the best quality possible.